Friday, January 23, 2015

Weight Watchers Wednesday (on Friday)

Ok, so the last time I blinked, it was Monday and now it is Friday.  Where in the world did this week go?  This week turned into be a busy week.  I kept asking myself how I could hold down a job with the craziness of this week.  More on the nutso week in my Five on Friday post....

So, let's talk about this week in Weight Watchers.

I. gained. two. pounds.


One word to describe it: hypocrite.

Let me back up.....

Last week, I received an email from my leader asking me to come speak to another one of his groups at a Weight Watchers at Work.  This group meets for twelve weeks then they do an Open House in hopes of recruiting more members to keep the group going.  Part of the Open House is a current member coming to share their story.  Guess who was the current member???  ME!

Knowing I had to speak to a group, I tried to watch what I ate but I didn't track everyday either.  I got on the scales at my meeting earlier that morning and was up 2 pounds.  Luckily, my toes didn't cross the "I have to start maintenance again" line so I was "safe".  Not happy about it, but safe.

Our meeting this week was about how to enjoy parties without going overboard.  It was a Super Bowl theme.  Even though we probably will not be participating in any parties, I did get a few ideas of what to serve for my little family.

After our meeting, my leader and I went to the At Work meeting location.  I helped him get everything set up and he hit me with a question that flattered me- would I be interested in becoming a WW Leader?

Let me think about that a minute:   YES!

Basically once you reach lifetime, you can train to become a leader/receptionist.  I think you have to be a receptionist and learn the paperwork side first then you can lead meetings.  Once I reach lifetime, the only requirement is that I continue to weigh in once per month.  If I am a leader/receptionist, I will have to weigh in once per month. If nothing else, this is extra motivation to keep the weight off.

Back to the meeting- I felt like such a hypocrite telling my weight loss story after gaining two pounds.  He asked me about my successes, tips for new members, etc.  But the beauty of weight watchers is that it is a forgiving group.  I knew exactly why I'd put on the two and I know how to get it off.  I have tracked every bite that has gone into my mouth since Tuesday.  I am down one pound according to my FitBit scale.  My FitBit scale has been all over the place lately in comparison to the scales at WW.  Some weeks, there is a pound difference; others, there is a three pound difference.  So frustrating but as long  as I am losing, it is good.

One thing I am being more conscious of this week is making sure I am getting my fruit.  Since I have been away from home a lot this week, I have packed my Thirty One lunch tote with snacks, water, and fruit to grab as I am out and about.

I keep telling myself that I am spending this winter getting myself ready for summer.  I had some great workouts at the gym this week.  I don't know that I will purchase a two piece bathing suit for this body but you never know!


  1. I'm so proud of your WW success!! WW really is an incredible program, and I truly think it's the best way to do it. I can't wait to hear more about your leadership with them!

    1. Thanks friend! I really like it because it is more about a healthy lifestyle and not a diet. The other thing I like about it is that you can eat "whatever" (I use that term loosely) as long as you are account for it. It is amazing how I have learned to pass on certain foods because it isn't worth the points value! ;)
