Monday, March 2, 2015


Today isn't my wedding anniversary but the anniversary of a defining moment in my adult life....

Three years ago today, I took a leave of absence from my job that turned into a resignation. I didn't realize what an impact the stress of my job had on me and my family until the stress was gone.

Since quitting my job, I have enjoyed the littlest things in life.  I have enjoyed being outside playing with the kids and dogs, reading books for pleasure, going to the gym,  Netflix ;), meals at home,  and a {somewhat} flexible schedule. I enjoy being at home but I know Chad LOVES me being home.  We had a discussion not long ago and he said that it is because I stay home that he can have the job he has and do what he does.  I always thought of it the other way- it was Chad's job that provided ME the opportunity but what we have learned is the door certainly swings both ways.  Chad's job requires a lot of travel and we came to the realization that there is just no way I could work outside the home if he has a job that requires so much of him.  Furthermore, he has been able to step out of his "work area" and has been able to provide support for other districts.

I have learned many things the last three years- some the hard way!

  • I am NOT a homeroom mama diva!  Been there, done that. Not again.  It just isn't me.  
  • You really can set an alarm for 6AM!  When I worked, my alarm went off at 5:30.  Sleeping until 6:00AM is glorious! 
  • It is nice to know that I don't have to get up, get showered, and get ready for the day right away if I don't want to.  Sometimes showers don't happen until later in the day!  
  • It is nice to drink a  cup of coffee in a dark house while you check email and blogs before the rest of the house wakes up!
  • I don't have to check my email 500 times after 3PM!  
  • I am learning to cook.  My kids don't ask WHERE we are eating anymore.
  • The grocery store and Walmart are mostly pleasant at 8AM!  
  • Our kids are able to do things because I DON'T work.  One would think this is the opposite but actually, Carson can play travel ball because I have the time and availability to take him to practice.  Besides, I have Mondays after tournament weekends to get caught up on chores.
  • Speaking of chores, they don't get done any quicker or more frequently than they did when I worked. ;( 
  • One would think you have infinite time at home and can be a Pinterest Mom- but it doesn't happen.  I am just as busy today as I was three years ago when I worked- it is a different kind of busy, but still busy.
While I don't know what the next three years will hold, I do know that I will continue to make the most of my time at home with my people.  At some point, I will return to the workforce (can you say, college expenses?), but for now, I am enjoying my life of running kids here and there, dabbling in Thirty One, and hopefully working for Weight Watchers!  I have everything I need!

1 comment:

  1. I understand! Jason has worked in Canada every other week since late October/first of November and I have been stressed:) Trying to keep up with work, Jackson's activities, homework, church, and projects.....He was gone half of December and I felt like I was going to go crazy getting ready for Christmas. I sort of did ~ I ended up with mono!!!
