Friday, March 7, 2014

Five on Friday!

TGIF!  I'm linking up for Five on Friday.


I am giving up Facebook for Lent.  I know I've talked about this on my blog before.  Facebook would, at times, just bring me down.  I would find myself getting hurt or angry about the pettiest of things yet it still would suck me in and I would find myself checking it several times per day and end up wasting ten minutes here and there.  It is amazing how much time is wasted.  I decided that I need to be more intentional with the relationships in my household instead of reading what my friends on my news feed had to say or what they did.   The straw that broke the camels back for me was over an article about fast passes at Disney that I had posted in hopes of returning to read later when I had more time.  An "acquaintance" (read: unfriend now) blasted me over it.   His comments were silly, hurtful, and completely incoherent and he made absolutely no sense.  I let it sit with me for a day or two then I responded.  Chad asked me not to because it would do no good but I was so mad about it that I did it anyway.  I am typically not one to be vocal just because I want to maintain peace with my people but this was just crazy.  In his comment, he essentially called me "bad and classless" because we use fast passes  then tried to cover it up after reading my response. He said that it wasn't directed toward me though clearly it was when I (and a couple of my friends who saw the post) reread what he said.  The only word I can think to describe him is IDIOT.  I can think of more, but I don't use those words on my blog!


Another project I am doing for lent is 40 Bags in 40 Days.  I got the idea from Mel over at The Larson Lingo.  Since we just finished our paint job in our master suite (still need to blog about that), I am in the process of going through our stuff before we put it back in so I got a jump start on the project earlier in the week and didn't realize it  Sweet Mel also offers tips for doing the project as well as a cute printable to help plan the project.  I am with her though on getting the kids involved.  My kids would go through the trash bags when I am not looking and put stuff back!   

Sticking with the Lent theme, maybe I should have vowed to give up something, or somethings, in my diet.  Since I haven't been running and my visits to the gym have been less than normal, I have put on a couple of pounds.  I never do well with eating and exercise in the winter which equates to being angry at myself come summer and bathing suit weather.  I think this may be part of the problem:

O to the M to the G.  Holy Batman this stuff is amazing.  On our way back from Atlanta we stopped at Trader Joe's in Knoxvegas.  I had seen several people on Instagram and Pinterest comment about this so of course being the nosy social media person that I am (hence the reason I gave up Facebook), I had to check it out for research purposes.  I bought some waffle cone cracker type things and spread the cookie butter over them.  Pure heaven!  In fact, a boy on Carson's baseball team came home with him Sunday after practice and we all tried it together.  The player has requested that I bring these to baseball tournaments he loved them so much.  He's just fueling my justification for another trip to TJs!

This is our final weekend of "freedom" before fifteen plus straight weekends of baseball tournaments.   My project list is a mile long!  We are trying to cram a lot in this weekend because our weekends will revolve around tournaments but I wouldn't have it any other way!  GO INDIANS!

I don't know how in the world I missed Sam's post on Instagram but I saw this last night.  Sam has become somewhat of a big brother and mentor to Carson.  He is an awesome young man and we have come to value his and his families' friendship.  I think you will see what he means to us from his comments on his Throwback Thursday post on Instagram.  I wish I hadn't cut his head off.  :(

I cried when I saw this.  How awesome is it that a high school boy would take my kid under his wing AND dance with us in the Nutcracker?  :)

Have a great weekend!  The time changes this weekend!  SPRING FORWARD!


  1. We don't know each other but we are clearly on the same wavelength when it comes to Facebook this week. I was basically shouting an "Amen!" to everything you wrote. I have been there before, and when I feel I have been unjustly insulted, I feel like it is physically impossible to just let it go. So I respond with something (hopefully) well-worded and then obsessively check for another response like a complete adolescent. I might miss some things, but it won't miss the drama.

    How awesome is that Instagram post?! How wonderful that your son has such an outstanding role model to look up to!

    1. Hi Vanessa! Thanks for the comment. I agree- I will miss some things about Facebook but have decided that the people who really want to connect with me will pick up the phone and call or send a text. Besides, I am getting a lot more things done in my day besides sitting at the computer!

      Yes, the instagram post was awesome. The young man is a junior in high school and dated our babysitter (try explaining to an 8 and 6 year old about high school breakups!) and he would come over to visit (after gaining permission from every adult involved we decided it would be ok and it was) and it morphed into us having two babysitters! Our real sitter for our daughter and Sam for our son. The two of them really hit it off and still are close (and that was almost two years ago). Sam works with Carson at baseball and helps with our team when he can (he plays football and baseball at our high school). A side note, he also danced with my daughter and me in the Nutcracker last December. We needed a partner for two of the four shows due to my husband's work schedule, so Sam volunteered and did great! It is great to know that there are good teens out there!

  2. I agree with you 100% about Facebook. I gave up Facebook last summer for the same reasons. It can be so frustrating and I find myself wasting precious time that could be spent doing something more productive! I missed it for the first few days, but after the first week, it's like Facebook and I were never a thing! I was also more likely to pick up the phone and call a friend.

    I stopped at Trader Joe's last time I was in Knoxville--that store is AMAZING! I wish we had one in Little Rock....
