Friday, November 6, 2015

Five on Friday!!!!

I don't know about you guys but this week has just about kicked my rear.  I think it is the adjustment to the new time.  I am linking up with these lovelies!

I am so proud of this guy for his Entertainer of the Year Win at the CMAs!  You all know he is my favorite!!!

I cannot go any further without addressing the whole Chris Stapleton/Justin Timberlake performance.  I thought it was AMAZING!!!!  I am still #TeamLuke  ALL.THE.DAY.LONG but I think we are seeing a bit of a split in country music.  You have "new country"- Luke, Thomas, Brett, Dierks, etc. and you have "classic country"- Chris Stapleton, Tim McGraw, George Strait, etc.  There is nothing wrong with either camp- I like the music of both but Luke will always be my favorite.  I also thought that Thomas Rhett/Fallout Boy did a great job too.  I thought it was so sweet that Thomas had a huge grin on his face the whole time.  You could tell he was in high heaven!

I am loving this book.  I checked it out from the library earlier in the week but I am going to have to purchase my own copy. I started it while Carson was at his private pitching lesson- hence the football practice in the background.

I haven't talked much about my half marathon training.  It's going.....  I will never be a fast runner but I get out there and pound some pavement.  I am not doing this to glorify myself, I am doing it to raise awareness for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.  This charity is close to my heart.  I am forever changed after being a part of the St. Jude Half. I ran seven miles in rain this morning.  It is still in the 60s here- it either needs to stay this way or turn cold.  These are a couple of shots I took on my run this morning.  I had a major hamstring cramp right before I came upon the sign in the top right.  I would KILL for a massage!
While I am typing this, I am recouping from my seven mile run and watching LBTV on You Tube.  That's Luke Bryan TV (I told you I loved him).  Anyway, they did a video of bloopers and I am crying I am laughing so hard!

I need to add this mug to my collection!  PERECT!
Happy Friday!

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