Sunday, January 19, 2014

Coveting, Jealousy, and Choosing Joy

Brace yourself...  Deep topics coming up...

Our pastor talked today about excessive desires.  His words really spoke to me today because there is an internal struggle I have been battling.  I must be honest, I only get about half of the message because Robert talks over my head.  I usually get bored and my mind drifts to my menu plan, grocery lists, and to do lists (#confessional).  I got enough out of today's sermon though to put into action.

He referenced Exodus 20:17: "You shall not covet your neighbor's house.  You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor."  Basically, we should not want what others have because it leads to jealousy and jealousy is a stronghold.  We should put our trust in God, seek Him, and he will provide for us.

I am so guilty of coveting and it is time to let it go.  I find myself on social media looking at posts of women in their expensive clothes, having girls nights out, regular date nights with their doting husbands,  and looking like a million bucks. I compare my life to theirs and get angry at myself and even Chad sometimes because they have what I want- or what I thought I wanted.  And I get jealous and it bothers me.  I find myself longing for what they have instead of looking around and praising Him for what I do have.  I have found myself jealous over their nice clothes (and places to go to wear them), their UGG boots {yes, they are still on my brain!}, their dates with their hubbies, their seemingly perfect kids.  Now before I go any further, I must state that I realize that whatever is posted on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc doesn't always reflect the "trueness" and reality of that person's life.  I have decided it is time to let go of the stronghold and do something about my struggle.  Before typing this post, I went through my social media and unfollowed and blocked all of those triggers.  Some of the individuals I know, some I only know because of social media but I did it- I had to remove myself from having access to them so that I would no longer yearn for what they have or do.  I can't continue without stating that the individuals are (or seem) to be good people but at this time, their posts or comments are only bringing me down and I am tired of feeling that way.

Another piece of this puzzle came together today as well.  At the beginning of the year, I had challenged myself to take a picture everyday and post on Instagram to document the little and big events of my life and my family's life.  Another reason for doing this was to remind myself that I am one blessed woman and I need to thank God daily for those blessings.  The pictures would remind me of those things.  Honestly, some days I struggled with posting a picture because it wasn't good enough- we didn't do anything fun, I wasn't wearing makeup or nice clothes, or nothing exciting happened that day.  It hit me today that I need to appreciate the simpleness of those days as well.

Sometime last week, the Bobby Bones Show announced something they are doing in March.  A little background- I listen to the show on XM almost daily.  One of the DJs' mothers has cancer and her mantra is to choose joy.  Even though she is battling cancer right now, she is choosing joy and shows it in everything she does.  March marks the one year anniversary of the BBS and instead of throwing a big party, they are dedicating the week as "pimpinjoy" week and want everyone to do something nice for someone else.  I plan on taking part in this.  If you want more information on this, send me a comment or an email and I'll try to help.  I follow them on twitter and Facebook so I am sure there is information there.

I think the message in all this today is that one must make a  decision to CHOOSE JOY.  Be happy and grateful for what you have and pass that happiness along to others.  I will still continue to post my picture daily and will do a recap here on the blog but I will start to note the blessing or a thankful that came out of that little picture.


  1. Someone told me once that Facebook is the highlight reel and no one ever posts the behind the scenes footage! Of course people aren't going to post the things that don't make them look good. Sometimes I feel like just deleting my whole account b/c I feel the same way you do!

    1. That is a great way to look at it- they are exactly right! I have debated on deleting my account but I ended up just changing my settings so that I have to go to people's actual page to read their posts. Don't delete your account- I enjoy seeing pics of the clan! Hope you are doing well!
