Saturday, October 18, 2014

Happy Fall Break!

It is Day One of the Macs Fall Break 2K14.  Sadly, we aren't at Disney or the beach- just hanging out at home.  We do have some fun day trip type activities planned but no overnight trips.  I told Chad today that a change of scenery and pace would be a great thing but it isn't going to happen until my half in December.

We started our Fall Break with the DB game last night.  We tailgated with the Stewarts.  They had lots of family in from out of town in honor of Sam's Senior Night.  I look forward to our Friday night gathering- it is sad that it will end once football season is over.


Since Carson is on field crew, we must stay until the end of the game.  Last night, DB beat Central 58-0. Sam didn't play the second half but it was nice to see the younger kids get some playing time.

A new little thing Caylee does this season (because our seats are on that end of the stadium) is to run up to Madison and give her a little squeeze right before the Spirit Shakers take the field for the War Hoop.  Madison gives her a little hug and we go on our way.  It prevents Caylee from asking me 590 times where Madison is. ;)

I cannot believe this guy is a Senior.  As I sit in the stands and watch the game, band, cheerleaders, or Spirit Shakers, I have to admit that I forget that they are just high schoolers- especially the band- very professional!

Today was crazy with Nutcracker rehearsal and flag football.  I snuck away from the crazy to run the Color me Rad race.  It was fun- I wouldn't call it a "race" but it was still a lot of fun!  I came back to the gym to do two gruesome miles on the deadmill  (I hate that thing) then came home and crashed.

Maybe this week I can get caught up on housework since I will not have to taxi everyone thirty places.  #wishfulthinking

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Well hello there!

I am sitting in my big leather comfy chair with my feet up in the middle of the day typing my first blog post in FOREVER.  Sitting down in the middle of the day is a rare occurrence around here so I think it should be documented.  I am icing my knee after a run.  I messed my knee up last year (I still think my meniscus is torn) and to this day- a year later, it still bothers me.  I need to just bite the bullet and see a doctor again but I am afraid surgery will be in my future and not my half marathon.

I hope to catch you up on what has been going on in Casa Mac since I last posted.  Confession- I had to go back and read my last couple of posts to see what I had posted.

First up, we will start with the man of the house- Daddy Mac.  He continues to work 500 hours per week and runs 200 miles in the same week.  Ok, so I might be exaggerating a little bit.  I am a runner's widow Fall, Winter, and Spring- that is when he does the majority of his races.  He still runs a lot in the summer but doesn't race. He did a 100 mile trail race in May.  Yes, 100  miles.  I expressed my pure displeasure about him signing up for it (I really didn't want him to do it) and heard the angels sing when he said he would never do another one.  I must admit I was proud of him and shed tears every time I'd get an update.  I just wanted it to be over.
This is Chad crossing the finish line at the Thunder Rock 100 mile trail race.  

To be completely honest, we rarely see each other and rarely spend time together just the two of us.  Life is crazy with a job, his running, two kids, a house, and two dogs (more on that in a minute).  Our thirteen year anniversary is coming up in October.  When we first married, we vowed that we would go back to Hawaii for our tenth anniversary- then reality set in.  We used to go on anniversary getaways but we don't even do that anymore.  Such is life.

Next, an update on me!  At first I thought there wasn't much to update- I raise kids and do laundry and occasionally clean house.  BORING- but then it dawned on me that I can talk about my new job. I am an independent consultant with a company whose title is the number after Thirty.  :)  I don't know how much I can talk about it on my blog (legal stuff) but I am enjoying it a lot.  Second, I can mention that I am going to see LUKE BRYAN in two weeks!  I have been looking forward to this FOREVER.  My love of Luke Bryan just cannot be denied!  Third, I am training for a half marathon. Since St. Jude got cancelled last year due to weather, we are going to give it another go.  My training runs have really slowed down since I started running.  I tell myself it is because I am four years older than when I started and I lead a busy life.  My life doesn't revolve around running.

Mr. Carson.  Oh Mr. Carson.  My first born is a 4th grader.  He is growing up so freaking fast and it scares me to death.  He is loving 4th grade.  He has three teachers this year.  Changing classes is a big deal!  He doesn't have to sit in a booster seat in the car anymore (FINALLY) and he will sometimes sit with me in the front seat.  He loves it and I do too (most of the time).  He is the master controller of the radio and air conditioner.  He has to make sure his seat is reclined just right and that the vents are pointed directly at him.

Two huge events in Carson's life recently was getting to be on the field crew on Friday nights and getting cut from his baseball team.  I am choosing to focus on the positive news because the negative news is just still too raw for us as a family.

Carson got quite a surprise on Christmas Eve from Sam.  He asked Carson to serve on the field crew for his Senior year (Mama had to work behind the scenes to make this happen.).  Carson has worked four games and is on cloud nine.  He is responsible for making sure players have water.  He also maintains equipment (he rearranges shirts over pads when necessary) and holds towels for the players.   During home games, he is responsible for hydrating the referees.   He thinks he has the most important job on the field- I would argue that (so would Graham Clark) but he loves, loves, loves doing this.  The trainer that coordinates this has reported to me that Carson is her little man.  She says he is the best behaved kid out there and she knows she can trust him to do his job.


I posted this on Facebook.  Some kids DREAM of meeting their favorite player.  My kid's favorite player surprised him at school for lunch.  So cool!

As far as getting cut from the baseball team, it shouldn't have happened but the more time that passes, the more I realize that God has His hand in this situation.  We (Chad, Carson, and I) all learned lessons from this experience.  Helping a child cope with rejection is hard- it sucks.  I could say more, but I am choosing not to.  I will close by saying that things are looking up for Carson.  When one door closes, God opens two or three more! ;)

And finally, my Caylee Rose.  Caylee went to her first sleepover a couple of weeks ago.  She had a blast.  Further evidence that my kids are growing up too fast.  She is loving second grade.  Her reading is over one year above grade level.  She is taking dance two days a week and will audition for the Nutcracker this weekend.  Recently, I taught her how to use her email and text messaging on her iPad.  Now, all she wants to do is email her cousin and babysitter.  I had to send an apology message to babysitter's mom because I didn't want Caylee to run up the bill!  Luckily, she said she could text Madison anytime.  I haven't told her that because she totally would! She is still all about her style.  She loves dresses and skirts but has surprised me this year.  We went shopping at the Nike outlet and she actually picked out track shorts and a nike shirt- and wears it quite frequently!  

To close this post, I'd like to introduce you to the newest Mac.  ELMER!

Elmer is an almost two year old black lab that we adopted from Sam's family.  They moved into a new house and didn't have the yard for him so we adopted him.  We hadn't planned on getting another dog but we did.  He is still a little wild- still a puppy- but is adjusting nicely to us.  He is rough with Tank at times but we've discovered a great punishment- a squirt bottle.  He HATES being wet so I bought a cheap water bottle and keep it outside so when he is aggravating Tank, he gets a squirt and will stop.

How sad is it that I posted more pics of the dog than anyone else?  :)

If you have stuck through this, KUDOS to you!  Hopefully it will not take three months for another update!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Mid Summer Update

It is hard to believe that our summer is almost at its midpoint.  I love the fact that we get out at the end of May but don't like the fact they got back the first Monday in August.  We are living it up summer style at Casa Mac.  We have been super busy- in mostly a good way- but I am looking forward to things slowing down a little so that we can have some lazy summer days just being at home.

I will try to catch up (in one blog post) some highlights since my last update.

I finally got a pair of Chacos.  I seriously have worn these almost every day since they arrived at my doorstep and have a chaco tan to prove it.  Chad had an email with a coupon for twenty percent off so I was able to get some on sale.  
 We finished first and third grade!
 Carson was very excited to see third grade end.  He had a great teacher and had a great year academically but everything else, notsomuch.
 Caylee danced in dress rehearsal.
 She didn't get to dance in the actual recital because we were in Georgia for a wedding.  She was a hostess with the mostest.
 After the wedding, we drove to Pigeon Forge to catch the end of the baseball tournament (no pics) then the next morning, we were beach in' (cue Jake Owen's song here) in Myrtle Beach with Nana and Papaw. My hair looked terrible in this picture.  I really hate my hair!

 We bought Carson "magic armbands" at one of our tournaments.  They must have really been magical because they won their first tourney that weekend!
 We took a quick trip to Northern Virginia.  We tagged along with Chad while he had a class.  We hit up the air and space museum at Dulles Airport to see the Challenger.  SO COOL!
 We watched Million Dollar Arm in a fancy smancy movie theater.
 Carson turned 9!!
 We dreamed of beating the Falcons AND DID on this day!
 We went to baseball camp at UT.
 Carson got his picture posted on Twitter by UT Baseball.  #celebrity
 We hit up Dollywood to ride the new coaster.  Apparently, Katy Perry had the same idea.  We didn't see her though.
 We ate "suppert"- we skipped supper and went straight for funnel cake. #makingmemories
 Oh hey- another beach picture.
 Carson joined the KMets for the National Anthem.

My laundry may be piled up, the hardwood floors haven't seen a mop in who knows how long, the toilets need to be scrubbed but all of that can wait.  I want my kids to make lots of memories this summer!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Five on Friday: What This Mom Really Wants for Mother's Day


I am dancing the jig today because this is the first day I have been home all week.  A friend and I were talking yesterday and came to the conclusion that May is much more busy than December.  I love this season of life we are in but it is no secret that I wish I could have some down time.  It is coming though in the form of a trip to the beach at the end of the month.  I just have to get to the end of the month!

For this Five on Friday, I started a list of five gift ideas that I would enjoy for Mother's Day but then remembered that I told Chad not to buy me anything for Mother's Day because we just replaced our patio shade- so that was a gift.  I love sitting outside on my patio but sadly, I have only done it twice since we got the shade.   Plus, we are getting ready to tile our  kitchen backsplash and it is costing a little more than I planned (if we decide to purchase what we picked out). Instead of posting gift ideas, I decided to post what I would REALLY like for Mother's Day.  It will probably not happen because I don't even think Chad knows I still blog!


For my house to be deep cleaned inside and out.  This includes:

  • baseboards scrubbed
  • light fixtures cleaned
  • garage swept and mopped
  • front porch pressure washed and furniture cleaned
  • all weeds pulled and mulch spread
For my kids to get out of this tattle telling stage.  Holy Guacamole!  It is bad right now.  I thought toddlers and preschoolers did that.  We are taking a major step backwards!  It seems like they are constantly at one another's throat.  I know this is part of life but it gets on my last nerve.  I wish they would realize that they are lucky to have a sibling- I don't have a sibling and the older I get, the more I miss that companionship.  

To be noticed .  Chad, bless his heart, is not Mr. Romantic.  In fact, he is the polar opposite of me.  He rarely talks (heaven forbid he tells me how he feels).  I feel like there are days when we barely say a couple of sentences to one another.  Yesterday, in the middle of a conflict with Caylee, he told me he liked my shorts.  I was flabbergasted and flattered by the compliment- even if the shorts did come from Target.  I appreciate the comment but was honestly caught off guard.  I know my husband loves me.  He shows it daily by working fourteen plus hours so that I don't have to.  

To be appreciated.  Moms do a lot.  There is no "time off".  I would love to hear "I appreciate you for making sure my laundry is clean.  I  appreciate you for taking me to baseball.  I appreciate you for ____________."  One of our biggest struggles as a family is mealtime.  I try my best to have a  decent meal on the table most nights.  It seems like all I hear is complaining.  Someone doesn't like this.  I am constantly trying to come up with meals everyone will eat.  I get tired of cooking the same old same old all the time.  It would be nice to be able to fix a meal without conflict.

To find some sort of balance.  I am reading Candace Bure's book Balancing It All and it is really hitting home.  I feel out of balance.  I know it is the season that I am in.  I just can't seem to find a balance of housework, child rearing, being a wife, friend, and daughter.  It is my hope that once school is out, I can reevaluate things and reprioritize.

After coming back to this post before hitting publish, I feel like it somewhat comes across as complaining on what is wrong in my life.  That is not my intent.  I think it is just where I am right now and I want this blog to be a journal of my life and be real and truthful.  I am keeping it real and truthful.  I am thankful and eternally grateful for what I do have.  I know there are women out there who would love to be celebrating Mother's Day with their mom or women who would love to become a mother but due to different reasons they can't.  My heart goes out to you.  I pray that you each will find comfort today and everyday.  

Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday Five: Disney Style!

WOOP WOOP!  It's the first Friday of May!  This month of one hundred times crazy for us.  Among other things, we have an out of town wedding to attend, a dance performance, baseball tournaments out of town, the end of the school year, Chad's trail race, and a beach trip.  I think I will probably be sleeping in hotel beds more nights than my own bed. Oh well- I love every minute of it!  That's how I roll! (cue FL/GA Line and Luke Bryan singing)

Anywho, for my Five on Friday with April, I am posting my top five tips for a successful trip to Disney.  We went to Disney for Spring Break (still need to blog about that) and I thought I would share what worked for us:

Put your itinerary on a spreadsheet.  Shrink it way down, print, and laminate.

You can't tell by the picture but I put the park(s) we planned to visit, ALL reservations (Fastpass + and dining), fireworks and parade times, crowd levels, and all park hours on one piece of paper and we kept it in our backpack.  If you do this, I promise you will thank me.  If you want a copy of the template I used, shoot me an email and I will be happy to share it with you.

Pay for the subscription to the Touring Plans Site.
I would probably bear hug the masterminds behind this site.  This site is full of inside information- how crowded the parks are, which parks to visit, which to avoid.  They also have an app- get it and use it!

Make your fast pass + and dining reservations as soon as you book your trip (or 180 days out).
We didn't get to eat at Be Our Guest but had no problem getting reservations at other places.

Try not to over schedule yourself.  Allow time to explore your hotel.
We stayed at Animal Kingdom Lodge and they had so many fun things to do.  We could have literally spent a day just hanging out there.  Don't forget to schedule pool time!

Immerse yourself in all things Disney.  Live It Up!
You want a Dole Whip for dessert after breakfast?  Go for it!  You want to ride Expedition Everest 4 times in a row (like my six year old)? Do it!  Oh, and you must buy Mickey ears!  If your daughter wants to wear a sequined crown ALL WEEK, let her!    You Only Live Once!  A bonus tip: Don't waste time getting ready in the morning with full hair and makeup.  I decided I'd rather be hanging out in the parks as opposed to making sure my hair was fixed only for it to be messed up on the rides.  I do wish I'd done a little more to it most days.  Oh well!

I am seriously considering becoming a Disney Travel Agent.  I love, love, love Disney and I would love to share that love with others!  {How many times can I use the word love?}

Hakuna Matata! 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Favorite Things Party!!!!

When I first heard of this, I immediately thought of Oprah Winfrey.  Oh how I would have loved to be in the audience when she did her favorite things shows!

The next best thing is linking up with Erika  to showcase what I am currently loving right now.  I don't know Erika personally but she is friends with Shay so in my book she is awesome!  I love reading her blog!

For the favorite things party, you pick one or two things you are loving right now under $10.  I had such a hard time picking two but decided to showcase these two:

cost: $6.98 at Wal Mart

Coconut oil is all the rage right now.  I have used in many different ways since purchasing this jar last year- yes, last year.  I use it on Caylee's super curly hair as a conditioner.  I use it as eye make up remover.  I have used it as shaving cream (more on that in a minute) and most recently as a body lotion.  I must admit it felt weird slathering it on after a bath.  I felt like a greased watermelon but the next morning, my skin did feel softer than normal.  I don't know that I will continue using it as a body lotion- maybe occasionally.  My favorite use for it is to remove eye makeup.  It completely removes all of my makeup- even liquid eyeliner and waterproof mascara. 

cost: $2.89 at Target 
*This is on sale this week at Target- buy 3 at $2.89 and get one free!

If there has been a shaving cream on the market, I have tried it.  I have dark hair so the hair on my legs is dark (sorry for TMI); therefore, in the summer, I have to shave everyday.  I hate it.  My mother in law told me to try the Aveeno shaving cream because it claimed to give you such a good shave you can skip a day.  I tried the Aveeno but then when I saw the Target version, I thought I would try it.  I have used this stuff for about a year and I love it.  I can go a day between shaving even in the summertime, which is huge!    I do, at times, use baby oil or coconut oil if my legs or dry or if I just feel like using something else.  

I am finding that in some cases, you get what you pay for but overall, I am pleased with the Up and Up products at Target.  The only Up and Up product I do not like at Target is the body wash.  I cannot get it to lather.  

Thanks for stopping by!  I am going to go read all the other posts for the favorite things then probably go buy EVERYTHING!

Please take a minute to pray for our neighbors in Arkansas, Alabama, and other areas affected by these storms.  CRAZY!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Five on Friday!

I'm linking up with April for

Stick a fork in me. I am done for the week.  We have been dealing with an issue at our home for a while and this week I have had all I can take.  It would be so easy to throw in the towel and give up but it isn't a option.  I hope that once school is out, things will be better!

The countdown to summer is on.  My kids have 19 school days left!!!!  WOOP WOOP!  Standardized testing begins next week and Carson will take the TCAP for the first time.  To say we have all felt stressed is an understatement.  I can't show him that I am stressed for him because I don't want it to affect his performance.  There is so much pressure of kids these days.  I have actually considered homeschooling and if you know me at all- that isn't my thing!

Chad was at home this morning for breakfast, morning, routine, and drop off to school.  He actually gave me the morning off and took the kids to Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast AND TOOK THEM TO SCHOOL!  Y'all just have no idea how glorious it was not to have to worry about all of that- Chad is never here in the mornings.  He typically leaves the house around 4AM for his run then is at the office by 6 or earlier (this includes a 30 minute commute).  This  includes weekends too except that he is running again but not going into the office.  Don't get me wrong- this is my job now but every once in a while (read: once a year) it is nice to have  break!  I miss Chad in the mornings but our norm is for him not to be here.  Last weekend, he didn't run in the AM and it was honestly kinda weird for him to be here in the morning.  It was almost like we were having a "normal Saturday morning" as a family.  Plus, Carson didn't have a baseball tournament due to Easter so it was an added bonus!

Once I finish my blog for today, I am going to make my May calendar.  We have this calendar that hangs in our hallway off of the kitchen and it is my lifeline.  I use my iPhone calendar but I also need something I can look at a lot.  I bought the glass at IKEA and Chad made the calendar out of pinstripe tape that you put on cars.  Crazy but works!

May is going to be crazy busy with end of the year activities, baseball, dance performance, and a beach trip.  This on top of school, my little tutoring job, Chad's travels, housewife duties...  OK, I am just going to stop because one May, we may not be busy and I will look back and wish we had this time back.   I am going to buckle my seat belt and enjoy the ride and not complain!

I am on a hunt for new recipes.  I feel like we eat the same things all the time.  I have over three hundred recipes pinned on pinterest but when I look at ingredients, half of them can't be fixed because Chad can't eat onions, the kids will not try it, or I have no idea what some of the ingredients are!  If you have any kid friendly recipes, send them my way!  My kids are SUPER PICKY eaters!

Have a great weekend!

Friday, April 18, 2014

5 on Friday!

I'm linking up with April for

This has not been a good week for me as a mother and wife.  I've been mad, I've cried, and I have just been in a general funk.  I have let some things bother me yet I just can't seem to let it go {cue Elsa's singing here}.   I am thankful that Sunday is coming.  Easter to me is a time to be made new.  I am hopeful that my thoughts and feelings I've experienced can be made new.

My 40 Bags in 40 Days project has turned into one hundred bags in six months.  Because this spring season is so crazy busy, I am going to extend my project and just work though my house at a snail's pace until I get it done.  I am writing down as I bag something so I am making slow progress!

I am getting ready to host a virtual Thirty One Gifts party.  I realize I just took up an order in October but they have a new catalog coming out in May and I need new lunch totes.  Even though I am not working outside the home, I still use the lunch totes quite frequently.  If you would like to order something, leave me a comment and we can get it worked out and shipped to you!

I am contemplating a new hairstyle.  I have always hated my hair.  I just recently started using It's a 10 and it is slowly beginning to work.

My hair does feel healthier though I have a way to go.  I currently have bangs and I like the look of bangs but I feel like after two weeks of getting them cut, they are just stringy and oily.  I may try to grow my bangs out this summer.  I also need to color my hair but feel REALLY guilty for spending the money on it (part of my struggle- see #1).  I have considered just buying color from the drugstore but am afraid I will only make it worse.  I have gray hair that needs to be gone.

No baseball tournament this weekend and I am a little giddy about that.  My house will {hopefully} get a good, deep cleaning.  I can't tell you the last time my house was cleaned- no joke- probably Christmas.  EEEEKKK.

Have a great weekend!  He's Alive!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Master Bedroom and Closet Reveal!!!!!!

This project began around mid February and FINALLY today, I can call it 99% complete.  WHEW!

My sweet Mama actually started this project for us when we were talking about how I'd like to redo my bedroom.  We hadn't touched it since we moved in nine years ago.  In fact, we haven't done very much to the house since moving in so it is {past} time.   I had just a plain white comforter on the bed and no window treatments.  In my thirteen years of marriage, I've never had window treatments because we could just never find something we liked.  BT- Before Tina, Chad hung a black sleeping bag over his windows in his apartment to keep light out.

My mom started shopping for new bedding for us and we finally found one that Chad and I agreed on.  It is so hard shopping for something both parties like!  I thought that was the hardest part but the biggest challenge was trying to match paint up!  After about ten trips (no lie) to different paint stores, we found the perfect shades of "greige" {a mix of beige and gray}.  I will note all of the details at the end of the post.

Here is a before:- even with the new bedding.  I couldn't find a pic of my other bedding.

And this is what it looks like today.

I took the above picture standing in the doorway.  
When you enter the room, there is a little alcove that I had big plans for when we built the house.  The fireplace and built in shelving is on the other side of the wall and they way they were designed, this wall had to be slanted.  All it is right now is a place to grow some dust bunnies but I hope to add a big vase with lighted branches soon.

I need accessories BIG TIME.  I have some picture frames that I hadn't placed back on the dresser yet because they need to be cleaned and polished (they are silver).  I like the TV mounted on the wall but it would be nice if we can frame it in somehow.  I am also looking for a lamp for the dresser.  

 This is where I am stuck.  I am not sure if I should buy another set of paneled curtains and have each window with their own curtains or keep this area framed in.  I also need candles!  See, this is why I said only 99% done!
 We have five windows and a door leading out to the patio in our room.  See why I was so excited to get window treatments?
 I am also wanting to add something over the bed.  I thought about some artwork but nothing stands out to me.   I still have a couple of pictures to hang- I need to spray paint their frames.  Speaking of spray paint, has anyone ever taken the handles off of furniture and spray painted them?  I love my bedroom furniture but I want to make the gold handles silver but am afraid if I take them off and spray paint them, I will ruin them.  What should I do?  Everything else in the room is silver and I feel like the handles stick out like sore thumbs.  Eventually, I want to add a rug in here as well.

One more question- do I add a valence over the patio door blinds or leave them like they are pictured?  I need to hire a decorator but I have a champagne taste on a beer budget!

This room is one thousands times prettier than it was before.  I think once I get my accessories, I can put the stamp of completion on it!

When we did the remodel, we also painted the bathroom walls and the master closet walls.  Chad and I did the master closet ourselves and my mother hooked me up with a painter to do the bathroom and my bedroom.  I am glad we painted the closet but it was a lot of trouble.  We took the closet maid system down, labeled every little piece, and my dad and father in law reinstalled for me.  I think I lost favorite daughter in law points over that!   It was a challenge to get it back together! :)

The master closet is off of the master bath.  Here is a couple of  before shots:

I posted the first picture on instagram.  The kids had gone with Chad's parents to a soccer game two hours from here.  We joked that some couples have romantic evenings out when their kids are gone and we paint!

And this is what my closet looks like now:
 While I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to go to IKEA and build a brand new closet system, it just isn't in the cards.

This is my dream closet:

#champagnetaste #beerbudget

I did switch out ALL of our wire, messy, ugly hangers to plastic ones.  The OCD in me would love to have all white but I already had some that were colored so I ran with it.  I REALLY wanted those Huggable Hangers but again, champagne and beer!  :)  

You will notice that my hangers are backwards- that is because I am trying to broaden my outfits of choice.  I wear the same things over and over and I read somewhere to try this and then in six months is clothes are still on the backwards hanger, get rid of them.  I did clean out the closet before we reinstalled to and logged it in my 40 bags in 40 days, which is turning into 100s of bags in six months!  I am tracking what I bag but there is no way I will have it done by Easter Sunday!  Oh, and you might notice some electrical tape...  I found this idea on Pinterest- tape shower hooks to a hanger for tank tops.  GENIUS!  
 I am loving my baskets in my closet.  I spray painted them to match my greige motif!
 I also set up a little jewelry station in my closet.  I was tired of getting dressed then walking to the bedroom for jewelry then back to the closet to see how I looked.  This made sense so I did it.  The bowl holds my watches and bracelets and belonged to my grandmother.  The white boxes are for earrings and the baby powder is for my hair- HA!

Boy does it feel good to get this project crossed off the never ending to do list!  I cleaned like a mad woman today just so I could take pictures and as soon as I took the pictures, I went back to my daily duty and my bed looked like this:

ceiling paint: Benjamin Moore Abalone
walls: Benjamin Moore Silver Fox
Bedding and Curtains: Liz Claiborne Kourtney from JC Penney

Thanks for stopping by and thanks in advance for decor input!